Christophe GUERIN, designer.

Christophe GUERIN

Hello, I’m Christophe and I’m a designer specialised in research, experiments and product design.

I work for private people or brands. Based on their needs, I design products, manage the full collection, do research only or run the project until the production phase if needed. I have worked as Interior designer, product designer, graphic designer, models maker, set-up designer, scenography, art experiments… I like to do many things in order to cross and mix influences and knowledges, from one activity to another. In addition, I like to teach sometimes and do workshops.

So if you need to do something at the edges of many disciplines, your project will interest me.


I was born in Dijon, France and I graduated from my scientific baccalaureate at the age of 18. Then I went to Lyon, where I did an architectural & product model degree, along with an art & design preparatory study. After that, I moved to Paris, at Ecole BOULLE, where I studied Interior design and furniture design. During my studies in Paris, I have spent one year out of France, at Sheffield Hallam University in the UK, where I did a double degree (BA) in product design.


I’m working for small and big companies, for private and public institutions too. I know how to design a product, make models and manage the production to run the project until the commercialisation phase. I like to find novative solutions and I’m really interested in sustainable design. I think today, a good project should take care of the environment. There is a large differentiation potential doing an eco-design product because I think the market and customers themselves want it.

As I’m quite a curious person, I like doing research and experimenting new technics or new concepts. I do as much as I can experimental works and design competitions.